Sailing to New Zealand

Tuesday 2/10/2013 20:00

28 44.166 S 178 35.107 E

Posting by Dennis:

Well today has been another eventful day. It started out last night with a big squall with wind just under forty knots and the wind has been blowing in the upper twenties ever since. That would not be so bad but the wind is coming dead out of the direction we have to go. So we are tacking and with that much wind and seas that are now over fifteen feet our progress is slow. It is kind of discouraging when you have been sailing for six days and it says you still have ten to go, the same number of days as when you left. The grib files are way off but what else is new. Rosemary has been seasick since we left and throws up anything that she tries to eat. So she is basically on the water diet and even that does not stay down. Then this afternoon the propane ran out so I set out to change the tanks over which is really fun as you roll twenty five degrees side to side, and as I was doing that I thought “gee this tank feels really light” and sure enough the tank was empty. So now we have no more cooking for the rest of the trip. You would think that not having to cook would make Barb happy but it doesn’t seem that way. So we will be eating right out of the can. Cold green beans, yum yum. Tonight’s gourmet treat was soup that was half done before the propane ran out. The beans were a little crunchy. We just got another grib file and it is saying that the wind is going to let up by morning we shall see.

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