About us

DSC_8573February 2013 and I would never have imagined my life as it is now. I spent the first 10 years of my life in Peru. From there my parents decide to move the family to Newfoundland, Canada. Within three months I was speaking English and before long I became a Canadian citizen. I have lived in St. John’s, Newfoundland for the last 30 years of my life. Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, familiar with the unpredictability of the weather, and finding an appreciation of the solace that weeks of heavy fog can bring, I came to love living in the oldest city in North America. I got a Computer Technology degree, got married, had two beautiful children, got a great job, got divorced, and made a decision to become a single parent to devote my time to my two kids. So my future was early retirement at 56 and settling somewhere closer to my family with some dreams of travel. Then in May of 2010 my sister called me to let me know that a friend of theirs was sailing around the world and stopping in St. John’s. His name was Dennis and he was having some parts delivered to my house. She hinted that it would probably be nice if I could show him around town, help him get some groceries and maybe cook him a home cooked meal. I dropped by the boat with a mind set to get this favor to my sister over with quickly so I could get on with my busy life. Well, the rest is history as I fell very much in love with Dennis. And so three years later I got my youngest child in University, sold my house, quit my job, and reduced my life to 7 plastic bins in storage and one suitcase of things for my one shelf on the boat.  On February 10th, 2013 I flew Chile to join Dennis to sail wherever the wind will take us. I would not be able to put into words the experience and emotions I have felt  the last three years as I planned for the next phase of my life, said goodbye to co-workers, friends, my two cats and my two children. I received strength and support from my two sisters, who are my very best friends and my amazing parents that have always been there for me. So now I am again surrounded by the smell and feel of the ocean to share adventures with Dennis, my partner, my love, my other very best friend !!!

DSC_0739_01Dennis will be adding his story but right now he is in Newfoundland trying to finalize the sale of my house while I am in Chile working on the blog.

2 Responses to About us

  1. Mike Ford says:

    You look great Barb! Like a real sailor.

  2. Robert Way says:

    I am still reading of your adventures. Hope you see land soon. (The mountains there are 1000m high, so you should see them from a distance. Stay safe and healthy and enjoy the trip.
    PS: Weather is still about -1 degree to 5 degrees. Met the new neighbours. Young couple.

    Robert Way

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